Episode 16 - Mahal's Kitchen Part 3

Mahal’s Kitchen Buffet

Interview With Filipino Restaurant Owner

We go into the details of Arbie Fruto's restaurant, Mahal's Kitchen. We discuss the style and logo Arbie created herself and learn that her husband is colorblind so Arbie is responsible for all the decorating. We also learn about their processes for ensuring the authenticity and quality of the ingredients they use and how many people are in the kitchen at any one time. Finally, we hear about the biggest thing Arbie has learned in the last six months of running the restaurant.

Challenges of Starting a Restaurant

Arbie's journey of becoming a restaurant owner and the financial challenges they faced are explored. A lightning round follows, where Arbie gives her perspective on Filipino food. Arbie’s advice to aspiring restaurant owners is to take one step at a time, have the heart to do it, and make it happen.

Mahal’s Kitchen Lumpia

The Importance of Flexibility in Planning

Arbie shares her experience and advice for creating a successful business. She emphasizes the importance of having a plan, yet being flexible with it, as well as the hunger and determination needed to make it happen. She also stresses the importance of utilizing the resources available to you. We thank Arbie for her time and wisdom, and invite our listeners.